My voyage of discovery this year is my love of my allotment. A recent discovery I have to say and one that dovetails in beautifully with my love of cookery. To nurture a plant from to seed to bountiful productivity is very rewarding indeed. A nice segue to that which has also pleasurably occupied me this month, namely our new corporate clubs.
Since my last communique we have not only seen the third meeting of Fujitsu as they bowl along beautifully but the first meeting of new Sainsbury’s corporate club too. To get both these clubs up and running has required a stable of ASC volunteers to plant them and nurture them. I am delighted to say speeches that enthralled us at previous National Conferences have delighted us again (thank you Chris Clissit and Nerys Jones) and become teaching aids as well as pieces of crafted pleasure. My gratitude to all those that are making it possible to seed and grow these clubs and yes folks – we are definitely green and growing.
On to more club news. Tom Scott has wasted no time in redirecting his abundant energies since stepping down as Education Director, by launching a new club in Winchburgh. If Heineken launched speakers clubs this would be a blue print. Stylish informative website, social media marketing over Twitter LinkedIn and Facebook. A series of well promoted and well attended taster sessions over Zoom and a launch night in their new venue at the end of August. I will report back next month as I definitely intend to be there to applaud the initiative and consummate professionalism of this club’s inception to fruition.
I was also intrigued and impressed when attending Nottingham Speakers Club hybridised Zoom and face to face first meeting back at the end of July. Rebecca Sparham Simpson and her leadership team made this bold endeavour look seamless. I beamed into their new venue via Zoom and was rewarded by a great night and several new potential members taking their speaking maiden voyage.
This time of year always reminds me of going to buy my new school uniform with my Mum. It was always far too big so I could ‘grow into it’ but my favourite time was visiting WH Smith’s for my pencil case and various other requirements, compass and protractor being such items. For the rest of the academic year periodically I would be stabbed as the compass breached the pencil case and my satchel normally as I scrambled to get a seat on the bus. We too are now gearing up for our ‘return to school’ in September as our face to face clubs kick off and instead of ‘big assembly’ we have Conference on the 18th September to look forward to.
It’s time to give our patient competitors their time to shine. No one should feel anything but excitement and anticipation about Conference this year. If you are travelling to join us great, you are welcomed and if you are joining us over live stream great, you are welcomed too. I have organised a small gathering on the Friday evening which those critical to the delivery of conference are welcome to join, primarily competitors judges and chairs. Verity will shortly be sending out invitations and further details. Lucy and her new social media team are powering up as we enter the last month before conference and Michael is imminently sending out all the communications relating to the AGM.
Finally, I want to mention those who we have loved and lost. I was a grateful attendee at a memorial lunch for the late Eric Baker. It was a truly heartwarming gathering, incredibly well attended given our current challenges, beautifully hosted by Patricia Baker and elegantly overseen by Dilwyn Scott. I also have news of the passing of another National President Keith Fraser. Our love and condolences to his family and friends as they come to terms with his loss.
So my dear friends as we power up to Conference and we gear up to the return of our clubs in the Autumn I wish you a restful and restorative continuing summer and may all things in your garden be growing
‘To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Audrey Hepburn and Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.” – Rudyard Kipling
Your friend and President
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