

The ASC prides itself on its diverse membership which ranges from the young to the mature and from the complete novice and nervous speaker to the very experienced. We believe that everyone has an important contribution to make, whether you’re a CEO, a stay at home parent or a student and it’s this diversity that makes Speakers Club life such a rich experience.

As part of your membership, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits:

  • You’ll work your way through our Development Pathway which includes a structured 5 stage Foundation level and a further 5 stages towards the ASC Certificate of Achievement, as well as our advanced speaking programmes
  • You’ll be eligible for our certificates of achievements and qualifications
  • You’ll gain CPD accreditation
  • You’ll have access to all ASC resources, including our Speakers Training Manual and online resources
  • You’ll be eligible to take part in public speaking competitions at Club, Area, District and National level
  • You’ll learn how to give feedback and be given the opportunity to judge speaking competitions
  • You’ll be able to join our private ASC Facebook group where we share additional resources and information
  • You’ll receive a copy of The Speaker (our renowned in-house publication) twice a year

Contact us for more information here.