Our association is not defined by its structures, materials or even by its clubs. We are defined by our people and the conversations we have with one another. This is how we learn and develop as speakers and it’s the primary way that we market ourselves as a learning organisation. This year we are all going to have a conversation about one of the most important elements of our process – evaluation. This discussion will include:
- What we want evaluation in the ASC to look like
- The current process of speech evaluation
- The evaluation contests
- The various evaluation cultures and interpretations that exist within ASC
- The values and reasoning behind evaluation
The activities involved in this initiative will include blog posts, social media posts, Speaker magazine articles, local (area or district) events and member discussions in the clubs. I am asking for a contribution to this process relating to the five points above from every area in the ASC and if possible from every club by February 2018. The output from this yearlong engagement will be a report at general council in York with recommendations for the future of evaluation in the ASC. The planned outcome of this process is to improve learning feedback for all members of the association. We all want the best for the ASC and we all want our members to develop strongly so here is a yearlong opportunity to improve the learning environment we all operate in.
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